Cat's Eye Marble
Funfetti, a funny little ghost clown, pictured both in ghost and human form with spooky lighting from below.  The human form is waving a bedsheet around, while the ghost form is just... waving around.

The ghost form looks like a Pac-Man ghost who knows how to accessorize — just a little floating bedsheet-looking guy with a pointy clown hat, floppy puppy ears, a little bowtie, and a pastel purple heart-shaped pompadour.

The human form is a fat scruffy punk with an undercut (alongside the dog ears and pompadour), wearing jean shorts and a tied crop top with an arcade carpet-looking pattern.

Funfetti (ghost and human forms), for Funfetti.  Description from Art Fight:

A funny little guy and a funny slightly bigger guy

"One ball please" is a thing from their stream.  Like it says on the tin, it summons one ball for the ball pit.